Our Preschool

Manilla Community Preschool has been in operation since 1976. The service operates under the requirements of the Department of Education & Care Services, The National Law & Education and Care Services National Regulations (Incorporating the Early Years Learning Framework). We are a state funded Preschool offering a quality Early Years Educational Programme.

Our aim is to provide a caring, supportive and stimulating service which is accessible, affordable and supportive for all our families.

All Welcome

Parents are welcome in the Centre at all times. If you have a particular skill or interest (eg. a musical instrument) you may like to come along to Pre-School and share it with the children. The Centre welcomes any suggestions or ideas.

The Pre-School is an Incorporated, Community based, non-profit Organisation. Parents are required to become members of the incorporated body when enrolling their child.

We are a non-profit organisation and therefore dependent upon the support and co-operation of every parent. Our aim is to keep fees as low as possible & to do this we need the help of everyone. Our running costs are met by fees and government subsidies. Any extras (equipment maintenance & new resources) must be purchased from fund raising.

The Pre-School Management Committee is elected each year from the parent body at the Annual General Meeting, usually held in March. The Management Committee meets each month to share ideas, support staff, arrange fundraising, oversee the running of the Centre and have fun. The Committee aims to represent the views and ideas of all our parents, basing their decisions on the best interests of the children attending the Centre.

Parent communications are sent via email (newsletters, notice of meetings, etc). Those wishing to receive a paper version please notify Director & these will be placed in parent pockets in foyer.

The Preschool Summer Routine: Term 1 & 4

8:00 Free play indoor
8:30 Free play outside
10:00 Perceptual Motor Programme
10:30 Acknowledgement of country, literacy programme, mark roll, look at calendar
10:45 Lunch
11:15 Language & discussion group time
11:30 Indoor activities – art/craft, cognitive/free play
12:30 Music/Movement & Drama
1:00 Afternoon tea/Children’s voices
1:30 Pack bags/chooks/worm farm/compost
2:00 Quiet time/relaxation/stories/music
2:30 News time/bears/free play
3:15 Pack up/read stories
3:30 Home

Pre-School Operation

Your Pre-School is licensed each day for 25 children per Pre-School session and 5 children per Occasional Care. The centre is available to all children from three years to school age.

Pre-School Session – Hours of Operation

Monday: 9am to 12 noon
Tuesday – Friday: 8am to 3.30pm

Preschool terms are the same as for NSW state schools. There are four terms in each year.

Arrival and Departure

Children must be brought to and from the Centre by a responsible person known to staff. Please notify the staff by phone (67851475) or letter if someone else is to collect your child. It is important when collecting children that staff know your child is leaving the building. It is a legal requirement that children be collected from Pre-School by a person who is 18 years of age or above.

Signing In/Out

By law children must be signed in and out of the Centre. In cases of emergency we need to be sure who is in the Centre. This is the parent’s responsibility.


Parents are asked to notify the Director before 9am if their child will be absent on that day.

Occasional Care

Fees are charged daily and on a separate basis to Pre-School sessions. An Occasional Care information and policy sheet is available by contacting the Director.

Settling In

Some children find separating from their parents quite difficult. Some children may not experience separation problems until a few weeks after their commencement date. This is all quite normal. If you are unsure of what to do or concerned about the departure process, please talk to a member of staff. Never leave your child without saying goodbye and please phone as often as you like throughout the day.

Bus Children

If your child requires travel on a school bus, a Bus Form & Policy will be given to you to read and sign. The buses drop off and pick up from Preschool. Parents will need to notify and discuss transport needs with the bus driver concerned. Phone numbers can be obtained from Preschool.

Quiet Time / Book Reading

In this very hectic & rushed society we now find ourselves living in, it is very important that we learn to take some time out for relaxation. All children are encouraged to have a small rest after lunch; however, no children are forced to sleep. They are free to quietly look at books or listen to a story being read. At different times throughout the day we may also take part in children’s yoga or relaxation exercises to music.

Please Inform Staff If:

  • Someone different is picking up your child
  • Your child is distressed or worried by anything or has been sick recently – it will help us understand any changes in behaviour
  • Your child is sick or going on holidays
  • Custody/access arrangements have changed
  • Your address/phone number has changed

What To Bring


  • Practical play clothes. At Pre-School we have lots of fun and do get messy – children’s clothes should therefore be suitable for this. Pre-School offers suitable shirts and sloppy joes (logoed) that are available for sale.
  • At Pre-School we are very active throughout the day. Your child will do lots of running, jumping, dancing, climbing etc. Young children need to be able to move freely and safely. For these reasons the Centre has a NO THONGS POLICY. (ie. closed in shoes such as joggers are best).
  • Bag of suitable size for belongings, which the child can open and close unaided. (No toys please unless your child needs a comforter or special sleeping toy, please discuss this with the Director).
  • A hat. We are a SUNSAFE school and as such we have a “No Hat, No Play” Policy. During Summer parents are responsible for applying sunscreen either at home before school or when you get to Preschool using our sunscreen. During Winter month’s staff will apply this before going outside as we go out later in the morning.
  • Morning Tea in a separate bag
    (Please refer to our Nutrition Policy)
  • Lunch (full day only) in a separate bag.
    (Please refer to our Nutrition Policy)
  • A set of spare clothes (or two) in case of ‘accidents’. Eg. A T-Shirt, shorts and a pair of underpants. These will remain in the child’s bag and used when required. Any of the child’s clothing that requires cleaning will be sent home. For hygiene reasons soiled clothing is not laundered at the Centre.
  • Each child is allocated a locker to place their bags and personal belongings etc. in.