Our Staff

The Pre-School consists of a team of Early Childhood professionals. We also employ an Office Manager, Cleaner and Gardener.

Caitlin McNeill

Full Time

Acting Director

Educator with Diploma of Early Childhood Education & Care

Monday – Friday

Monday Room Leader

Tracy Jones

Permanent Part time Educator
Certificate III in Childcare

Tuesday – Friday

Gai Faulkner

Full Time

Certificate III in Childcare


Nikayla Atkin

Permanent Part Time

Educational Support Teacher
Diploma of Early Childhood and Care
Tuesday – Friday

Samantha McDonald

Permanent Part Time

Early Childhood Teacher and Educational Leader

Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood and Primary
Wednesday – Friday

Jessica Coker

Full Time Office Manager

Monday to Friday

Renae Catlett

Temporary Part Time Educator

Diploma of Early Childhood education and care

Tuesday – Friday

Ashlen Rae


Diploma of Early Childhood and Care